I am afraid this topic is very highly philosophical. Poverty takes various forms. Being poor materially is the one form quite understandable, but what seems to be more important for poverty takes is being "poor in heart". This is because being materialistically poor could/should be recovered in some way or other in the future through the efforts of human beings while being "poor" at heart doesn't seem to be healed in men's history.
What does it, then, mean to be "poor at heart"? It tells us we can live having nothing in our mind which we can be proud of. In this tough and hard world having proper self-esteem is one of the vital effects that might enable us to survive there. But I would say real self-esteem doesn't come from material richness. Or rather we tends to lose our proper self-esteem as we have more and more properties and money. Why?
We can answer this question quite easily. Just think about the thing you have got so far. Is there any thing that lasts forever? Have you got any thing that you can enjoy forever? Definitely not.
There is nothing new under the sun. So what we have got in this world has its own lifespan. We forget the time we enjoy it by possessing it. It is the destination our material possessions will go in the future, no matter how far away it seems.
On the contrary, if we have something precious in our heart, it will stick to our memory almost forever. If it is a precious memory, it will continue to help and support you in a hard time of your life.
We human beings know this truth very well, but we are likely to forget about it. because our mind is stained by the original sin. It has made us blind to the real value of the things.
So we can safely conclude that as long as we are suffering from the heritage of Adam and Eve, we cannot enjoy the true and real joy. This is because we also conclude it is not possible to eliminate poverty in this secular world.
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